Health Humanities
Medicine (miscellaneous)
Psychiatry & Mental Health
Applied Psychology
As IJBMC is committed to promote original works and academic integrity, it combats any instance of plagiarism to ensure the integrity of our journal.
Plagiarism involves using someone else's work, ideas, or words as your own without giving proper credit to the original source. Copying, rephrasing, as well as paraphrasing the content from (un)published sources without appropriate attribution and citation to the original source are instances of Plagiarism. The details about Plagiarism Policy of the journal are in the following.
Originality and Attribution: It is expected that the authors ensure the originality of their works. Authors are also expected to give accurate in-text citation and referencing for all sources they use. You can see author guidelines for in-text citation and referencing style.
Self-Plagiarism: Authors are expected to avoid self-plagiarism, i.e., presenting significant parts of their own previously published work without appropriate citing to the original work.
Plagiarism Detection: The IJBMC employs plagiarism detection software to ensure the originality of submissions and publication process integrity. The identified similarity of the manuscript to external sources should not be higher than 10 percent. All manuscripts are subject to thorough screening and any detected plagiarism may have consequences at any stage of publication process.
If plagiarism is detected, the manuscripts may be rejected (in cases of serious plagiarism) or they may be returned to the authors to provide proper citation and revision (the authors will have one opportunity for this process and their manuscript will be rejected if they cannot revise their article). In case of revision, the manuscripts are checked again with the software.
Reporting Plagiarism: The IJBMC encourage all reviewers, readers, and concerned individuals to report to the editorial office any cases of plagiarism they suspect in the published manuscripts. Reports will be checked with confidentiality and the editorial team decide to take the proper action for this issue.
Health Humanities
Medicine (miscellaneous)
Psychiatry & Mental Health
Applied Psychology
This journal subscribes to the principles of, the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 Unported License which allows users to read, copy, distribute and make derivative works for non-commercial purposes from the material, as long as the author of the original work is cited properly.