Health Humanities
Medicine (miscellaneous)
Psychiatry & Mental Health
Applied Psychology
To ensure the quality and sustainability of the journal, the IJBMC has implemented an author fee since January 2021 for the accepted manuscripts to cover the costs associated with the publication process (processing, editing, formatting, online publication, and other administrative expenses). Please note that the author fee is applicable to the accepted manuscripts.
The details for the fee policy are as the following:
The author fee for each accepted manuscript is set at $500 for 3000 words. For each 500 extra words, 20% will be added to the cost. Each figure or graph is counted as 300 words.
Although the authors are not charged before the peer-reviewing process, the costs are announced to the authors so that they can decide on further procedures. Payment instructions will be provided by the IJBMC editorial office along with the final decision indicating the manuscript acceptance.
The author fee is non-refundable, even in cases of subsequent withdrawal or rejection of the manuscript (e.g. the authors do not provide us with the information we request for completing the copy-editing and proof-reading process).
Waiver Policy:
IJBMC considers a limited number of fee waivers for from low-income countries or based on individual circumstances that the authors may have little financial means to cover the publication fee.
As such, authors can request a waiver during the submission process in the “comments to the editor” section. The requests will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis by the editorial board considering the quality of the submitted manuscripts and our available funds.
Fast Publication (Fast Track) Fee
In the case of asking for fast tracking of the manuscript, 50% of the routine publication fee will be added to the costs. Please note you request for the fast track process in the “comments to the editor” section when submitting your manuscripts.
Please follow peer-review process to see the details about the time for publication of routine and fast-track publication.
Health Humanities
Medicine (miscellaneous)
Psychiatry & Mental Health
Applied Psychology
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