Health Humanities
Medicine (miscellaneous)
Psychiatry & Mental Health
Applied Psychology
Editorial policies
- Peer review policy & process and editorial workflow:
• How do you select editors for your journal(s)
In new journals, Vesnu Pub selects journal editors based on these criteria:
- Closeness to the article field with an academic degree
- Being familiar with COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors
- Having at least 10 publication records in journal field
- Being expert in language
- Having journal executive experience for at least 1 year
In established journals, Vesnu Pub selects journal editors based on these steps:
- Base on closeness to the article field with an academic degree, academic experience, and previous publications, we select a reviewer. The reviewer may be introduced by authors, found via searches, or by sending a request.
- Each "Section Editor" points each reviewer a score between 1 and 5 based on the quality of review considering journal's review policies as well as being on time.
- The reviewers with top scores, who can keep their quality at a stable baseline, will be added to "Editorial Board" as "Section Editors".
• What happens when a new submission is received, and what if any checks are made at this point?
These are the steps in primary checking:
1- Checking the plagiarism using PlagScan GmbH software
2- Checking the existence of files based the "Author Guidelines" (Main manuscript, title page, figures, etc.)
3- Checking the content of files based the "Author Guidelines" (Authors' affiliations, titles and subtitles, style of referencing, word limitation, quality of pictures, etc.)
4- Checking the hand-singed "Authorship Form"
5- Entering peer-review process
• How are peer reviewers identified, and who makes the final selection of peer reviewers?
Based on closeness to the article field with an academic degree, academic experience, and previous publications (articles and books), the "Editor-in-Chief" of the journal selects a reviewer. The reviewer may be introduced by authors, found via searches, or by sending a request.
• Who assesses the reviewer reports and makes a decision on the submission, and how is the decision reached?
There are some "Section Editors" in each journal, who manage one or more articles. They send the article to at least 3 peer reviewers, assess their comments, and make a "primary" decision. Then, the "Editor-in-Chief" assesses the whole process and makes the final decision.
• Who communicates the decision to the authors?
The "Editor-in-Chief" of the journal makes the final decision and communicates the author.
• How is the revised manuscript assessed?
It depends on the editorial decision; in cases of "Minor revisions", the "Section Editors" assesses the revised manuscript.
But, in cases on "Major revisions", the "Section Editors" sends the article to peer reviewers to review it again at the second round. The peer reviewers may be the same as first round or not.
Then, the process will be the same as the first round.
• What is the role of the editorial board in the peer review process?
Generally, the "Editorial Board" consists of the "Section Editors" who manage the editorial process of articles.
Of course, there are limited members that only take part in major decision makings such as policy making, accepting advertisements.
• Who is responsible for the final decision to accept/reject the article?
The "Editor-in-Chief" of the journal is the responsible.
Health Humanities
Medicine (miscellaneous)
Psychiatry & Mental Health
Applied Psychology
This journal subscribes to the principles of, the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
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