(Body) Psychotherapy Regarding Tension between Professionalization, Occupationalization and Professional Ethics

Ethics ethos Psychotherapy Professionalization Organizational discourse Abuse Ethics guidelines


  • Ulrich Sollmann
    Dipl. rer. soc., Guest Professor, Shanghai University of Political Science and Law, China
Vol 6, No 1: 2019
Theoretical Study(ies)
March 17, 2019


Psychotherapy is, on the one hand, a certain form of helping people in personal need and, on the other hand, it is a profession, a service. The development towards a profession includes the development of certain quality criteria, structures, and regulations for the training as well as the social anchoring of the activity and its recognition. However, it also includes professionalization, this is to be understood as the development of a general ethics and personal ethos. Both are value systems that give orientation to both the therapist and the patient. Professional and personal (self-) reflection are indispensable to achieving professionalization. The development of an ethics code also has an effect on psychological science.

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