
Initially, all manuscripts are reviewed by the editor in chief in terms of their appropriateness, relevance, and fitting in the scope of the journal. This stage may take five days from the submission date. In case the manuscripts meet the least characteristics and standards for publication (please see author’s guideline for details), the corresponding author will be informed of the costs for publication to take authors’ agreement and the manuscript goes under double-blind pee-reviewing. Authors can expect this process take four weeks of submission date (unless for those who request for fast-track process for which the decision will be announced within one week). The manuscripts which needs minor revisions will be returned to the authors to be revised based on the reviewers’ decisions and will be reviewed again by the reviewers. Authors will have two opportunities for revision of their articles unless their manuscripts will be rejected due to the need for major revisions. Please note that each review process may take two to three weeks of the date we receive the revised files (this time for fast track publication may take one week). The time for final decision depends not only on the time we need for peer-reviewing but the time the authors take for revising their articles so that no exact time can be announced for acceptance and publication. If the manuscripts are accepted after this process, the authors will pay the costs for the publication. At this stage, the authors can receive their acceptance letter and their manuscripts go forward for further procedures of copyediting and publication in the time given in the acceptance letter. Please note that the editor in chief reserves the rights to the final decision regarding acceptance.