Designing a Healing Model Based on Paintings, Descriptions, and Background Music with a Music Therapy Approach
Designing a healing model with music therapy approach
Background: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has caused devastating experiences and problems for many people in many financial aspects, getting laid off from work, and losing their loved one. These problems may cause both direct or indirect pains and scares, mentally and emotionally. Arts may be used as a method of healing for such conditions which provides a moment to self-healing for the participants of the art exhibition. The purpose of this research was to promote a new understanding regarding the art function as a healing method to help people heal from their depression due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Methods: This research applies a descriptive and quantitative approach in accommodating parametric and non-parametric analytic measurements, based on the questionnaires that have been collected from 77 participants of the art exhibition. The inner wound self-healing focused on the simultaneous activation of the five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch, to sync the pain experiences with the prepared, meaningful art works. The researcher applies healing music as a stimulus of the exhibition. The event was equipped with a pre-test (before entering the art exhibition) and post-test (after experiencing the art works exhibition) as the source data for the parametric and non-parametric statistical measurements.
Results: The results of the study using non-parametric test showed that there was a positive influence of the art works towards research participants’ feelings, while in the parametric test, there was no positive influence of the art works towards research participants’ feelings.
Conclusion: Based on the research, researchers suggest the use of Hidden Sense of People Likert Scale (HSPLS instrument) to measure the gray area of people’s decision making. The HSPLS instrument will help make simultaneous and digital measurement of the decision making that involves the responding time and the direction of the response by the participants.
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