A Physical and psychological aspect of school age children with major thalassemia

Physical and psychological aspect of school age children with major thalassemia


Vol. 12 No. 2 (2025)
Quantitative Study(ies)
January 5, 2025
February 26, 2025

Background: Thalassemia is the one genetic disorder in the world, characterized by a reduction or absence of normal hemoglobin synthesis. It has an impact on the progress of growth and development, this leads to increase the worries about physical appearance. Objectives: the study aims to identify the quality of life in physical and psychological aspects of thalassemic school age children and those who are healthy and also aims to find out the comparison of the quality of life between school-age children who are sick with thalassemia and those who are healthy, in terms of physical and psychological aspects. Materials and Methods: Data obtained from February 12, 2024, to April 15, 2024; Part of the data was collected using a questionnaire and interview technique with participants who were interviewed individually in the hematology centre, healthy companions in the school unit in the hospital, by interviewing all participants and including the research sample in a similar way, and the same questionnaire was used in the same place to achieve the goals. Results: The results showed that the quality of life in the physical domain demonstrated that the probability of achieving a superior degree was significantly lower in patients with Thalassemia than in control 7 (14%) and 39 (78%) patients, respectively (P value <0.001). also the results found that the level of QoL in psychological aspect revealed that frequency of good level was lower in thalassemia patients compared to controls; 2 (4%) vs. 10 (20%), respectively, while poor QoL was more frequent in thalassemia group than control; 10% vs. 4%, respectively, (P. value = 0.030). Conclusions: There is a big difference in the quality of life between school-age children who are sick with thalassemia and those who are healthy, in terms of physical and psychological aspects. must conduct greater research and continuous follow-up to monitor the situation as required so that it does not deteriorate further, and support them from the ministries with treatment and psychological support from family and friends. And society and schools.