Publishing Costs
- Submission Fee
After the submission, primary check will be done, and if the manuscript has the least characteristics, the author should pay the submission fee (30% of the total fee) to start the peer-review process. The submission fee is charged for review costs, and this fee is not refundable. Paying submission fee does not necessitate the journal to accept the manuscript.
- Publication Fee
If the manuscript is accepted through peer-review, the author should pay the rest 70% of total fee to get the official acceptation letter, and to have the manuscript scheduled for publication.
- Total Fee
The fee for a manuscript with 3000 words is 300USD. This fee is 100USD for authors with the affiliation of Iran or Germany. For each 500 extra words, 20% will add to the cost. Each figure or graph is counted as 300 words.
- Fast Publication (Fast Track) Fee
In the case of asking for fast tracking of the manuscript, 50% of the routine publication fee will be added to the costs.