4TH International Congress on Psychosomatic Medicine
Psychosomatic Research Center, Department of Psychiatry, and Family and Social Medicine Department of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences and Danesh-e Tandorosti Institute in cooperation with Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy Department of Freiburg University, Germany and some other national and international academic and research centers are going to held the 4th international congress on psychosomatic medicine on November, 15-17, 2017 in Isfahan University of Medical Sciences.
The objectives of the congress:
Promoting studies on psychosomatic medicine in Iran
Outlining the role that family physicians in prevention and treatment of psychosomatic disorders
Determining the domains of psychosomatic services in family medicine
Education of the basics for treatment and research of psychosomatic disorders
Developing national and international cooperation.
The organizers of the congress welcome professionals, experts, researchers, and students of various majors of medicine, psychology, and paramedicine to join the event hoping that this event provide an opportunity for promoting scientific level of professionals and experts and exchanging their view and latest knowledge of the field.