Isfahan hosts the 4th International Congress on Psychosomatic Medicine


"The 4th International Congress on Psychosomatic Medicine: Psychosomatic Basic Care and Family Medicine" was held by Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Danesh-e Tandorosti Institute, Psychosomatic medicine and Psychotherapy department of Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg, and International Journal of Body, Mind, and culture in Isfahan, Iran, on November 15-17, 2017. The pivots of the congress were: Promoting studies on psychosomatic medicine in Iran, Outlining the role of family physicians in prevention and treatment of psychosomatic disorders, Determining the domains of psychosomatic services in family medicine, Education of the basics for treatment and research of psychosomatic disorders, Developing national and international cooperation.

Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, psychiatry department of Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, and some other universities were among the sponsors of the congress.

Professionals, experts, researchers, and students of various majors of medicine, psychology, and paramedics joined for exchanging their view and latest knowledge achieved by the symposiums, articles, and educational programs on psychosomatic basic care and family medicine. Besides, the advances in the shared project in the field which have been running by DAAD, Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg, Danesh-e Tandorosti Institute, and Isfahan University of Medical Sciences were reported. 

Some research articles on psychosomatic basic care and family medicine which were presented as poster in this congress is published in International Journal of Body, Mind, and Medicine 4(2), 2017, as the supplement issue which is available on