Predicting Suicidality in Patients Attempting Suicide Based on Narrative Psychology Findings
Predicting suicidality based on narrative psychology findings
Background: The present research was conducted with the aim to predict suicidality in patients attempting suicide based on narrative psychology findings.
Methods: The present qualitative study is a descriptive phenomenology research done to clarify and analyze the experiences of patients who had attempted suicide in 2020. The statistical population included all male and female patients hospitalized in all medical centers of Tehran, Iran, due to suicide attempt. The objective-oriented method was used for sampling. The semi-structured interview (in an individual and face-to-face manner) was selected as the central approach to data collection.
Results: After interviewing 13 individuals, the different elements related to the research goal were extracted. By analyzing the object-relational data of the research, the 3 elements of traditional gender patterns (patriarchy, dogmatism, and domestic violence), deprivation, and labeling were extracted.
Conclusion: It can be concluded that traditional gender patterns (patriarchy, dogmatism, and domestic violence), deprivation, and labeling were the most prevalent reasons for suicide in these patients. Therefore, suicide can be reduced in society through interventions and provision of appropriate educational programs according to the culture of each district.
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