A Family-Based Model to Prevent Sexual Violence on Children
Background: In the globalization era, parents need to put more effort to fortify children against sexual violence. There are several cases of sexual violence that are mishandled due to shame, taboo, and parental ignorance. Therefore, this study aims to develop a family-based model to prevent sexual violence against children.
Methods: Three cases which have occurred in Indonesia became as reference, namely Garut, Sukabumi, and Tangerang. The model development was divided into two phases including the scheme and its validation. This research involved housewives and children (33 families), the Integrated Service Unit (UPT) of Rancamanyar, Mitra Citra Remaja PKBI, Tabu Indonesia Berdaya Foundation, and the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN). A 'Model Peduli Utama' (Delima) (the primary caring model) was employed to prevent sexual violence against children.
Results: Delima integrated the need for sexuality education, because it formed family resilience as social capital.
Conclusion: This model increases parents' knowledge and awareness, promoting them to attend to children's privacy. Moreover, it becomes stable because it provides a safe environment for the youth.
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