Systematic Review of Family Factors Associated with Substance Abuse in Adolescents: A Comparative study between Iran and Developed Countries
Family factors associated with substance abuse in adolescents
The present study was a systematic review of family factors related to substance abuse in adolescents. The inclusion criteria for the studies in this review included: (1) being a qualitative research, (2) adolescents (10 to 19 years old) were adolescents, and (4) the results being directly related to studies on family factors related to substance abuse in adolescents. The main family factors related to substance abuse in teenagers include high-risk family factors, childhood abuse, parents' and nurses' addiction, parental supervision, and parenting methods. The main social factors include high-risk social factors, peer groups, the influence of media and technology. The high-risk individual factors were attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), depression, anxiety disorders, sensationalism and impulsivity, and self-esteem. In developed countries, the related family factors included the presence of addicts in the family, family differences and lack of affection in the emotional relationships of the family, lack of restraint and suitable supervision by parents and the use of inappropriate educational methods, divorce and separation of parents. These factors were found to have a significant effect on drug addiction in the comparison of two groups of affected and non-affected young people. In Iran, family factors effective on drug use included a history of abuse in childhood, addiction of parents or one of the family members, marital conflicts of parents, low socio-economic status, emotional atmosphere of the family, educational methods of parents, and perception of teenagers towards the acceptance of drug use by parents. Family factors were one of the most important factors involved in substance abuse; this highlights the prominent role of the child-parent relationship, parents' interpersonal relationships, parenting methods, and relationships with siblings in this regard. Psychological problems such as ADHD, depression, anxiety disorders, sensation seeking and impulsivity, and low self-esteem are among the individual factors that are related to substance abuse in adolescents, and some adolescents try to reduce and alleviate the symptoms of these disorders through substance use.
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