The Effects of the Solution-Focused Therapy on Postpartum Depression and Anxiety in Nulliparous Pregnant Women
Solution-focused therapy on postpartum depression and anxiety
Background: In solution-focused models (SFMs), patients are mobilized to achieve better outcomes through their initiative and potential. In this study, the effect of solution-focused therapy on anxiety and postpartum depression (PPD) of nulliparous pregnant women was investigated.
Methods: The study was quasi-experimental, with a pre-test, post-test, and control group. The statistical population of this study was all pregnant women who were referred to be under routine care in the Isfahan Vahid Health Center, Isfahan, Iran, from August to November 2022. In this study, 30 eligible pregnant women were selected and invited to participate purposefully. Then the participants were randomly (tossing) divided into two groups, a solution-focused therapy group (15 people) and a control group (15 people). The solution-focused group received eight 1.5-hour counseling sessions, which were held weekly. The control group received no counseling and only routine healthcare services. Data were analyzed by multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) and SPSS software.
Results: Solution-focused therapy was effective on PPD (F = 19.66, P < 0.001) and anxiety (F = 22.37, P < 0.001) in nulliparous pregnant women.
Conclusion: SFM is a useful tool that can help reduce anxiety and PPD in nulliparous pregnant women. This approach can help nulliparous pregnant women learn skills to reduce PPD symptoms.
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