The Effectiveness of Positive Intervention on Spiritual Well-Being of Older People in Nursing Homes
The effectiveness of positive intervention on spiritual well-being
Background: Spiritual care included in the holistic care model has become highly important with the increase in health and disease needs of the individuals. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of positive intervention on spiritual well-being (SWB) of older people in nursing homes.
Methods: The current research was semi-experimental with pretest-posttest design with a control group. The statistical population of the present study was made up of the nurses of the nursing home of Shahrekord City, Iran, in 2016. From this statistical population, 40 people were selected by purposive sampling method and assigned to two experimental (n = 20) and control (n = 20) groups by the random sampling method. The intervention treatment protocol based on Rashid positive psychology was used to conduct the research. Spiritual Well-Being Scale (SWBS) was used to collect information. The data were analyzed using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) by SPSS software.
Results: Positive intervention had a positive and significant effect on SWB (F = 17.25, P = 0.001). Consequently, there was a meaningful difference between the mean scores of the two groups in the post-test.
Conclusion: The results of the research indicated that the training and implementation of the treatment protocol increased SWB. As a result, positive intervention has a positive and significant effect on SWB. In other words, by participating in these meetings and getting familiar with the concept of positive intervention, nurses will get to know their personality traits, and their internal control and SWB will increase.
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