Relationship between Organizational Climate and Psychological Empowerment among Nurses at Primary Health Care Centers
Background: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the level of organizational climate (OC) and psychological empowerment (PE), and to investigate the relationship between them from the nurses' point of view.
Methods: A descriptive correlational design study was performed on nurses working in psycho-social health units in primary health care centers from August 25, 2022 to October 10, 2022. A convenience sample of 84 nurses was used in the study, and the actual data were collected by using a self-report method, a questionnaire that included three parts: social-demographic variables, the Organizational Climate Questionnaire (OCQ), and the Psychological Empowerment Scale (PES). Descriptive data were determined through frequency, percentage, mean of the score, and standard deviation (SD). Additionally, inferential statistical analysis involved the use of analysis of variance (ANOVA), Pearson correlation, and linear regression. The data were analyzed using SPSS software.
Results: 73.8% of nurses reported a favorable perception of the OC, while 66.7% reported a high level of PE. The study also found a significant positive relationship between OC and PE (r = 0.637, P < 0.01), indicating that a more favorable OC was associated with higher levels of PE among nurses.
Conclusion: The nurses reported high PE and a positive perception of the OC. The study also found a mutually reinforcing relationship between PE and OC, indicating that higher levels of PE were associated with a more favorable OC, and vice versa.
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