Inspirational Life Experience of Gen Z for Hope, through the Artworks by Oliver (3rcole)


  • Henry Pranoto
    Universitas Ciputra, Indonesia
Vol. 12 No. 2 (2025)
Quantitative Study(ies)
February 2, 2025
February 26, 2025

The high suicide rate among Gen-Z is a crucial issue that needs special attention, hard environment Gen-Z face when they grow up is the reason they don’t have high resilience. Arts may be used as a moderator to strengthen Gen-Z’s mental health by their purpose in life and hope. The purpose of this research was to promote a new understanding regarding the art function as moderation to strengthen the purpose in life connection with hope in Gen-Z. This research used quantitative and quasi-experimental methods by applying parametric tests to the questionnaire data obtained from 50 participants who were selected from 160 participants. Art in this research functions as a moderator to strengthen the connection between purpose in life (x) and hope (y). The researcher applied the use of painting and music as the prominent elements of the art in this project. The art exhibition was equipped with a pre-test (before entering the art exhibition) and a post-test (after experiencing the artworks exhibition) as the source data for the quantitative calculation processed with SPSS software. The result of the study using quantitative calculation showed that art could strengthen the connection between purpose in life towards hope. Based on the research, researchers suggest the use of arts (painting and music) to be used as a moderation tool in communicating messages with Gen-Z, because Arts can be a suitable approach in confronting young people today.