Effectiveness of an Instructional Program on Patients' Readiness for Hospital Discharge after Coronary Artery Disease
Instructional program for hospital discharge after CAD
Background: Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the greatest cause of death worldwide; education before hospital discharge about this disease and risk factor management is an essential strategy for improving patients getting ready for hospital discharge and plays an important role in both prevention and treatment and reduces the risk of mortality. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of instruction program on patients' readiness for hospital discharge (RHD) score.
Methods: A quasi-experimental study [nonequivalent control group (CG) post-test only] carried out on 80 patients with CAD seeking medical care at Iraqi Center for Heart Diseases in Baghdad, Iraq, was conducted from 1th June to 5th July, 2023. Study utilized a non-probability sampling (purposive sampling). All participants were randomly assigned to the intervention group (IG) (n = 40) and CG (n = 40). The following instruments were used to collect data: demographic, clinical data, and the Readiness for Hospital Discharge after Myocardial Infarction Scale (RHD‐MIS). SPSS software was used; descriptive statistics and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) test were used to compare the means between two related groups.
Results: After the planned discharge education, RHD score was significantly increased in IG compared with the CG (F = 81.215, P < 0.01).
Conclusion: The instruction program is effectively beneficial in preparing the patients to discharge from hospital. Researchers recommended that this interventional program should be implemented as curriculum uses in cardiac ward.
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