Comparing the Effectiveness of Gottman Method Couple Therapy and Integrative Behavioral Couple Therapy on the Emotional Abuse of Women with Addicted Husbands
Objective: The present research was conducted to compare the effectiveness of Gottman method couple therapy (GMCT) and integrative behavioral couple therapy (IBCT) on the emotional abuse of women with addicted husbands.
Methods and Materials: The statistical population included all women with addicted husbands referring to the Welfare Organization in Ahvaz in 2022. In a quasi-experimental design with a pretest-posttest design with a control group, 45 people meeting the inclusion criteria were selected using purposeful sampling and randomly assigned to two experimental groups and a control group. The data collection tool was Azar Brahimi’s (2008) questionnaire. IBCT and GMCT interventions were implemented in the experimental groups for ten 90-minute sessions in a group and on a weekly basis. Finally, the follow-up stage was carried out one month after treatment completion. Data were analyzed using multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA). The data analyses were performed using SPSS-22 software.
Findings: The results demonstrated that both IBCT and GMCT were effective in reducing the emotional abuse of women with addicted husbands (p<0.001), but no significant difference was observed between the effectiveness of these two treatment methods on the mentioned variable.
Conclusion: Based on the findings, it can be said that the use of both treatment approaches will be effective in reducing the emotional abuse of women with addicted husbands. consequently, participation in this couple therapy two approach results in promoting marital satisfaction in couples with marital conflict and maladjustment. it is necessary for psychologists to hold and implement such Conduct training.
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