Comparison of Self-compassion and Shame between Adolescents with Anxiety Disorders and Depressive Disorders with Normal Adolescents

Comparison of Self-compassion and Shame between Adolescents with Anxiety Disorders and Depressive Disorders with Normal Adolescents

Self-compassion Shame Anxiety Disorders Depressive Disorders Adolescents


  • Mona Samavati Department of Psychology, Kermanshah Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran. , Iran, Islamic Republic of
  • Elham Golabi Department of Family Counseling, Marvdasht Branch, Islamic Azad Univercity, Marvdasht, Iran., Iran, Islamic Republic of
  • Sahar Shaibany Department of psychology, Sabzevar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sabzevar, Iran. , Iran, Islamic Republic of
  • Zainab Saki Department of Psychology, Fars Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran., Iran, Islamic Republic of
  • Somyeh Pakzad
    Department of Psychology, Sirjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sirjan, Iran. , Iran, Islamic Republic of
Vol. 12 No. 1 (2025)
Quantitative Study(ies)
June 12, 2024
February 1, 2025


Background and aim: The purpose of this study was to compare self-compassion and shame in adolescent girls with anxiety disorders, depressive disorders, and normal adolescent girls.

Materials and Methods: The research was a causal-comparative study. The study population included all adolescent girls who with anxiety disorders, depressive disorders, and normal adolescent girls in Tehran from October to December 2022. Purposive sampling was used to select 192 samples. The data collection tools included Self-Compassion Questionnaire Short Form (SCS-SF) and Guilt and Shame Proneness Scale (GASP). The method of data analysis obtained in the research was using ANOVA and Games-Howell post hoc test by SPSS-27 software.

Results: The study found that the difference in the mean value of the Self-compassion variable was significant among anxiety disorders, depressive disorders, and healthy controls (P<0.001). Moreover, the difference in the mean value of the shame variable between anxiety and depressive disorder patients and healthy controls was also significant (P<0.001). Group-by-group comparisons revealed that all groups had a significant self-compassion variable (P<0.001). When comparing all groups, it was evident that adolescent girls had significant differences in the shame variable (P<0.001).

Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that the level of self-compassion in patients with anxiety disorders and depressive disorders is lower than in healthy people. Furthermore, the level of shame in patients with anxiety disorders and depressive disorders was higher than in healthy subjects. Increasing compassion gives people flexibility to deal with life's challenges.