Augmented Reality Has The Potential To Improve Learning Motivation In Physical Education: A Systematic Review
Background: Augmented reality (AR) is rapidly advancing as a transformative tool in educational technology, which is significantly enhancing learning experiences.
Objective: This study investigates the potential of AR to improve learning motivation in physical education.
Methods: A systematic review method was conducted, analyzing articles from leading databases like PubMed, focusing on the effectiveness of AR in educational settings. The inclusion criteria were articles published in the last five years, discussing interval learning and cardiorespiratory improvements through AR.
Results: The results revealed a moderate positive impact of AR on student achievement, particularly in STEM fields, with the effect becoming more pronounced over time. Factors such as the integration of mobile devices and multimedia-based content were identified as key enhancers of AR's effectiveness. The study also highlighted AR's ability to provide personalized learning experiences, making it especially beneficial for students with diverse abilities and needs. This research makes a significant contribution to the academic literature by providing strong evidence of AR's potential to increase motivation and improve learning outcomes in physical education. It also offers practical implications for educators and policymakers, suggesting that AR can be effectively integrated into education curriculum to create engaging and interactive learning environments. The findings underscore the importance of exploring new technologies to enhance the quality of education and suggest directions for future research, such as investigating the long-term effects of AR and its integration with other emerging technologies. Given the urgency of improving physical education to promote healthy lifestyles among young generation, this study is both timely and relevant.
Conclusions: It provides valuable insights for the development of innovative teaching practices that can lead to better student engagement and success. As such, this article is a worthy contribution to the field of educational technology.
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