The Necessity of Formation of Health Information Technology: Goals and Strategies for the Future of the Healthcare with the Approach of Maturity Assessment and Risk Analysis

Healthcare Information Technology COBIT best scorecard maturity approximation Risk approximation Reliability Strategic plan


  • Hossein Moinzad PhD Candidate, Department of Industrial Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
  • Mohammad Jafar Tarokh
    Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Khajeh Nasir Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
  • Mohammad Taghi Taghavifard Associate Professor, School of Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran
Supplement 1 (2017)
Mini Review Article(s)
July 4, 2017


In this paper, the goal of the effort is to determine the future of healthcare and to explain the importance of establishing strategic roadmap in this area. Identification of strategies for future of healthcare includes adaptive and dynamic learning through the industry, governments, and universities. The most important part in generating strategies is to determine the goals with high levels expectations and exclusive path. Healthcare technology goals which are presented in this paper could be inspiring to make a better future. Future developments of medical and health care depend on investing in research, development, and education today. So that health managers achieve goals of the health care system by making appropriate decisions and allocate resources. With appropriate goals and strategies, risk, maturity and reliability level of HIT system could be calculated by using COBIT and best scorecard (BSC) method.