Paradigmatic Crisis and Humsnistic Medicine
The biomedical model had proved its effectiveness in treating acute diseases and has caused widespread developments in some fields such as genetics and macrobiotics. However, it has showed its shortcomings in treating chronic diseases and the psychocultural conditions affecting health. These have led to the arising of a paradigmatic crisis in all levels of biomedicine. At this point, a significant question arises: "Is it possible to incorporate all human dimensions in a medical model?" It seems as if biomedicine considered man as it-experience; that is, it had an objective, evident-based, and positivist view; while the I-experience -the phenomenological world of the patient- had no roles in disease prognosis, diagnosis, and treatment. Through the systemic model of medicine, the patient can become a major part of the therapeutic team, which, while he/she stands on one point of the health continuum at any given time, has crucial roles especially in chronic conditions and preventive care. Through such models, the patient-physician relationship transforms into an essential healing technology.
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