Medical Humanities Meets Corona Virus Pandemic: A Report of the Webinar on the Dialogue between Medicine and Humanities


  • Alireza Monajemi Department of Philosophy of Science and Technology, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran, Iran
  • Hamidreza Namazi
    Department of Medical Ethics, School of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
June 2, 2020


The Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies (IHCS), Tehran, Iran, recently arranged a webinar on 8th of May 2020 entitled the "dialogue between medicine and humanities on corona pandemic". This webinar was part of the ongoing activities entitled the "cultural and social aspects of corona epidemic in Iran" in which a large number of scholars were invited to reflect on the social and cultural aspects of the corona pandemic. The speakers of this session included Hamidreza Namazi and Alireza Monajemi. The webinar consisted of two separate lectures and a debate. The following articles report the main results of this meeting