The Effectiveness of Communication Skills Training on Job Satisfaction and Conflict Resolution among Emergency Medical Technicians
Effect of Communication skills training on job satisfaction and conflict resolution
Background: Communication skills in establishing positive interactions and constructive conflict management are directly and significantly associated with job satisfaction. This study investigated the effectiveness of communication skills training on job satisfaction and conflict resolution among emergency medical technicians (EMTs).
Methods: The current research was a quasi-experimental study with a pretest-posttest design and a control group. The research statistical population consisted of all EMTs in Rafsanjan city, Iran, in 2016 (n = 280). By utilizing a purposive sampling technique, 30 EMTs were chosen. The participants were randomly divided into two groups of intervention and control (n = 15). The intervention group underwent 8 sessions of training during 2 months (a 1.5-hour session per week) (Fetterman & Wandersman, 2012). The data collection tools included the Job Descriptive Index (JDI; Smith et al., 1969), and Dubrin Job Conflict Questionnaires (DJCQ; 1985). In order to analyze the data analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used in SPSS software (Dubrin, 1985).
Results: The results showed that communication skills training was effective on job satisfaction (F = 4.637; P = 0.04) and conflict resolution (F = 7.654; P = 0.003) among EMTs.
Discussion: To optimize the impact of communication abilities on emergency care personnel, it is advisable to devise tailor-made workshops separately for different EMTs.
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