Development and Validation of a Multidimensional Body Image Model in Iranian Adolescents: The Influence of Physical, Cognitive-Behavioral, and Sociocultural Factors
Objective: As adolescence is a sensitive period of development and the onset of hormonal, physical, psychological, and social changes, teenagers face numerous challenges in this period. the present research aimed to develop and validate a body image model in Iranian adolescents.
Methods and Materials: The current study employed a cross-sectional mixed-methods design, with recruiting 1750 students selected through simple random sampling and 13 counselling psychologists selected through purposive sampling for quantitative and qualitative parts of the research respectively. Data collection involved measuring body mass index, using questionnaires, and semi-structured interview. MaxQDA software, structural-interpretive modeling, MicMac software, and Partial Least Squares was used for data and thematic analysis, and Smart PLS software was used for the validation of the model.
Findings: Having analyzed and categorized descriptive codes obtained from interview texts, 3 global themes, 11 organizing themes, and 42 basic themes were identified. The relationships of the variables were then examined and they were partitioned. The results revealed that multidimensional body-self relations is at the 7th level and BMI at the 1st level have the least and the most impact on body image. The intial nodel was designed and the relationsips between the variables were confirmed (95% CI). The model also had a satisfactory model fit.
Conclusion: The findings of this study demonstrate that body image in Iranian adolescents is influenced by the interaction of physical, cognitive-behavioral, and sociocultural factors. The constructed model enhances our understanding of the intricate biological and psychological development of body image in Iranian adolescents.
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