The Effectiveness of Alpha-Asymmetry Neurofeedback on Depression and Rumination in Women with Sexual Dysfunction
Effect of alpha-asymmnetry neurofeedback on depression and rumination
Background: The purpose of the current study was to correct frontal alpha asymmetry (FAA) in order to reduce depression and rumination in women with sexual dysfunction using neurofeedback intervention and comparing its effectiveness with a control group.
Methods:The research method was a quasi-experimental design with a pretest-posttest and control group. The target population included all women with sexual dysfunction in the northern part of Tehran city, Iran, in the year 2021. Initially, a sexual dysfunction questionnaire was distributed among 100 women with sexual dysfunction visiting psychological clinics in the northern part of Tehran, and from among those who scored high on the sexual dysfunction questionnaire, 20 individuals were conveniently selected and divided into two groups of 10 (experimental and control). At this stage, depression and rumination questionnaires were administered as a pretest to the subjects. Subsequently, the experimental group received the intervention of FAA correction in 15 sessions of 45 minutes each, and then, the aforementioned tests were administered again as a posttest. Data were analyzed using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) in SPSS software.
Results: The results of this study emphasize the effectiveness of alpha asymmetry neurofeedback in reducing symptoms of rumination following neurofeedback training, which is significant due to the important role of these two variables in the continuation of depression.
Conclusion: The findings of the current study suggest that neurofeedback training can be used as a beneficial intervention to reduce symptoms of depression and rumination in women with sexual dysfunction.
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