The Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Oppositional Defiant and Social Adjustment of adolescents
This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy on oppositional defiant and social adjustment in adolescents. This experimental study included a pre-test, post-test, follow-up with a control group. The statistical community included all adolescents of Gachsaran of whom 30 were selected by purposive sampling and placed in the experimental and control groups. The experimental group underwent cognitive-behavioral therapy, But the control group did not receive any intervention. Data were analyzed using the analysis of covariance statistical test. The results showed that the cognitive-behavioral therapy effectively addressed oppositional defiant and social adjustment in adolescents, and these results continued until the follow-up stage (p <0.001). According to the results, cognitive-behavioral therapy can be used to reduce adolescents’ oppositional defiant and improve social adjustment. Thus the therapy can reduce the stress in mother-child relationships.
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