Application of Hypnosis in Ophthalmology: Eyelid Repair in a Traumatic Patient, a Case Report
Objective: This study aims to examine the application of hypnosis in ophthalmology.
Methods and Materials: In this case report, the author describes the application of clinical hypnosis as the sole sedation and analgesic method for eyelid repair in a traumatic patient. The patient, a 30-year-old Persian male, was admitted to the emergency ward of Kashani Hospital in Isfahan, Iran, with a chief complaint of a left upper eyelid injury resulting from a motorbike accident. Since the patient refused any local anesthesia or sedation (due to his concern related to a previous history of allergic reactions to lidocaine), suturing under hypnosis sedation was proposed. A 15-minute hypnosis session was conducted, incorporating sedation and analgesic suggestions. The laceration was repaired, and the patient's hypnotic state was terminated to natural awareness. The patient reported no pain associated with the sutures and expressed a sense of absolute freshness upon completion of the procedure. Furthermore, his visual analogue scale scores for pain and anxiety decreased compared to the admission time.
Findings: This report demonstrates a validated approach for minor reconstructive surgeries (e.g. eyelid repair), particularly when concerns arise regarding sedative drug allergies or side effects. Moreover, it highlights the potential applications of hypnosis in other ophthalmic surgeries, psychosomatic-related complaints, and medication adherence.
Conclusion: The author suggests further exploration and expansion of hypnosis in the field of ophthalmology (hypno-ophthalmology).
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