Psychological and Social Risk Factors Contributing to Substance Use at Babylon Governorate, Iraq
Risk factors contributing to substance use
Background: Substance abuse is a global issue affecting both developed and developing nations. It weakens willpower and escalates criminal behavior, posing a significant social challenge. This study focuses on identifying social and psychological risk factors that contribute to substance use within the Babylon Governorate, Iraq.
Methods: A descriptive correlational study was conducted in Babylon Governorate across three hospitals: AL-Imam Al-Sadiq General Teaching Hospital, Marjan Teaching Hospital, and Al-Hilla General Teaching Hospital. From October 2023 to June 2024, the study involved a sample of 133 individuals identified as substance users selected through non-probability convenience sampling. Data collection was conducted through structured interviews, and the analysis employed both descriptive and inferential statistical methods, including correlation analysis, to examine the relationships between variables.
Results: The findings of study were significant, revealing that 66.2% of participants had moderate social risk factors (mean = 30.59), and 72.2% had moderate psychological risk factors (mean = 27.89). These findings underscore the importance of this research. We also found significant positive correlations between social and psychological risk factors and substance use (P < 0.001). Psychological risk factors were also significantly associated with demographic variables such as age, marital status, occupation, and income (P < 0.05). Social risk factors were linked to educational level and residential address (P < 0.05).
Conclusion: The findings of study underscore the need for comprehensive national initiatives to address substance use. Both psychological and social risk factors play a role, with social factors having a more substantial impact. The study recommends a comprehensive national initiative that includes educational, legal, and therapeutic measures to address these risk factors. The necessity of such measures cannot be overstated.
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