A Effectiveness of Health Protection Attitudes in Disease Prevention Among Nursing Students in Baghdad
Objective: This study delves into the impact of health protection attitudes on disease prevention among nursing students in Baghdad, examining the association between socio-demographic variables (SDCv and SES) and attitudes toward health management and disease avoidance.
Methods and Materials: A non-probability sampling method was used to survey 150 nursing students from various academic years at the Nursing College, Baghdad. The comprehensive questionnaire, validated for its reliability and validity (Cronbach's alpha), included positive and negative attitudinal items related to health protection and disease prevention alongside demographic details.
Findings: The findings shed light on the fact that most students hold favorable attitudes towards health protection and disease prevention, with significant gender-based differences in attitudes towards disease prevention. Additionally, regression analysis underscored a significant predictive relationship between health protection attitudes and effective disease prevention.
Conclusion: These results underscore the urgent need for targeted health education programs at the university level, emphasizing critical health protection and disease prevention issues. The findings offer hope for the successful development and implementation of such programs, potentially benefiting other student populations in diverse scientific disciplines.
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