Bioenergy Economy, Fields and Levels: A Narrative Review
The key point which is dealt with in this essay is the question of many philosophers, economists, and psychologists from Buddha, Socrates, and Epicurus to Adam Smith, Bentham, Freud, Reich, and Kahneman; the question of satisfaction and liberation from pain and boredom. Bioenergy economy (BEE) is introduced as a phenomenal-contextual, evolutionary, and metadiagnostic care system that facilitates the sustainable development of happiness. BEE follows its aim through using cognitive, behavioral, physical, energetic, and transpersonal modalities. This approach originates in the dynamic conventions of Freud, Lacan, Lyotard, and Deleuze's libidinal economy on the one hand and energy healing traditions such as yoga, qigong, and reiki on the other. Based on an economic and evolutionary model, BEE is employed to reach salutogenesis and consciousness evolution through integrating the four fields of body, narrative, relations, and intention (BEE fields). To do this, we need to cathect onto more proactive and agapistic levels of pleasure rather than cumulative and releasing ones (BEE levels). BEE uses biosemiotics as a common language for sublimating cumulative and releasing levels and following material, symbolic, reflective, and energetic signs in physical, symbolic, and existential worlds.
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