Effect of A Bioenergy Economy Program on Pain Control, Depression, and Anxiety In Patients with Migraine Headache
Background: Psychological problems such as depression and anxiety are very common in patients with chronic headaches and give rise to the repetition and continuity of the headaches. This study aimed to assess the effect of a bioenergy economy program and particularly the biofield attunement on the improvement of the pain control, depression, and anxiety in patients suffering from migraine, a common psychosomatic disorder.
Methods: To collect data, a quasi-experimental method was adopted including pretest, posttest, and follow-up phase. Thirty patients with migraine were selected based on convenience sampling method and put into two experimental and control groups. Data collection tools included Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II), Beck Anxiety Inventory, and Headache Impact Test (HIT-6TM). The data were analyzed using repeated-measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) and covariance (ANCOVA) tests. Both experimental and control groups participated in the entire program to assess the effect of bioenergy economy program on mentioned variables. To assess the effect of biofield attunement, a non-expert person performed the attunement of participants in the control group while an expert bioenergy healer and channel performed attunement procedures for the participants in the experimental group.
Results: The mean scores of pain, anxiety, and depression of 30 participants in pretest differed
significantly with those in posttest and follow-up phases; but such a difference was not observed between the scores of posttest and follow-up in control group. Moreover, the participants' mean scores in posttest and follow-up phases differed significantly between the two groups.
Conclusion: Bioenergy economy program caused a significant decrease in anxiety, depression, and intensity and frequency of pain in patients with migraine. The decrease on mentioned variables were consistent in a two-month interval. These therapeutic effects were even more in experimental group who had received real biofield attunement. As bioenergy economy program and biofield attunement is a nonpharmaceutical and harmless care system, it is recommended as an effective method for the reduction of depression, anxiety, and pain in patients with migraine.
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