Psychological Profile in a General Population in Central Part of Iran
Background: The description of demographic features and associated risk factors provides a perspective for the development of health and prevention policies for psychological screening or referrals. Thus, updated data on epidemiologic profile of depression and anxiety in the society are necessary. This study aims to describe the psychological profile of a general population in central Iran.
Methods: This community-based, cross-sectional survey was performed as part of the SEPAHAN project (Study on the Epidemiology of Psychological Alimentary Health and Nutrition). The participants were
working in 50 different centers across Isfahan Province, Iran. The data on 4628 adults who had completed
demographic questionnaires and psychological questionnaires for depression and anxiety, coping styles, and stressful life events were included in the analysis. The data collection tools were the Demographic information questionnaire, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), Coping Strategies Scale (Cope), and Stressful Life Event (SLE) questionnaire.
Results: The frequency and intensity of all considered stressors were found to be significantly associated with both depression and anxiety. Adaptive coping strategies were found to function as protective factors against both depression and anxiety. However, avoidance, as a maladaptive coping strategy, was found to be a risk factor.
Conclusion: The present survey reveals that the prevalence of depression and anxiety was 28% and 14%, respectively. Scholastic education plays a protective role against both depression and anxiety. All coping strategies, except avoidance, function to protect against depression and anxiety.
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