A Review on Lifestyle before and after COVID-19 Pandemic: Four Levels of Prevention
Lifestyle before and after COVID-19 pandemic
Lifestyle (LS)-related risk factors are the most important factors for increasing non-communicable chronic diseases (NCDs). Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is known to have a significant impact on LS, exposing patients with NCDs to adverse outcomes. This study aimed to investigate the LS changes after the COVID-19 pandemic and the strategies that can be used to manage the LS changes in the four levels of disease prevention. The prevalence of LS-related problems such as obesity and overweight has an upward trend and physical activity has declined dramatically in COVID-19 pandemic time. COVID-19 pandemic can worsen the patients' mental disorders or, as a major stressor, trigger mental disorders in the people. Moreover, stress and anxiety of pandemic situation may induce the consumption of smoking and alcohol in societies under disease. In addition, poor sleep and excessive use of social networks have been associated with poor health outcomes. LS modification is a substantial strategy for the prevention and management of NCDs that due to the pandemic situation, has become more serious now. The comprehensive LS modification program can promote various dimensions of knowledge, attitude, and LS-related behaviors at four levels of prevention. Primordial prevention by preventing LS-related risk factors, primary prevention by reducing or eliminating LS-related risk factors, secondary prevention by using LS modification in the treatment approach, and tertiary prevention by integrating LS interventions into rehabilitation make up the basics of a comprehensive LS reform program.
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