Academic Self-Efficacy and Future Time Perspective Predict Academic Procrastination: The Mediating Function of Academic Self-Control
Predict academic procrastination
Background: Background: Academic procrastination is increasingly recognized as a detrimental factor that negatively affects student success, achievement, and mental health. This study aims to investigate the factors contributing to academic procrastination by employing the Temporal Decision Model (TDM) of procrastination. Specifically, it examines how academic self-control mediates the relationship between future time perspective, academic self-efficacy, and academic procrastination in university students.
Method: The study included 517 university students (414 females and 103 males) who participated in a survey measuring academic procrastination, future time perspective, academic self-efficacy, and academic self-control. The data were analyzed to explore the mediating role of academic self-control in the relationship between future time perspective, academic self-efficacy, and academic procrastination.
Results: Findings indicate that both academic self-efficacy and future time perspective have an indirect effect on academic procrastination through academic self-control. Specifically, academic self-control significantly mediates the relationship between these two factors and academic procrastination, with a stronger mediation effect observed between academic self-efficacy and academic procrastination in college students.
Conclusion: This study contributes to the understanding of academic procrastination by highlighting the mediating role of academic self-control. These findings suggest that enhancing academic self-control may help reduce procrastination among students by leveraging their self-efficacy and future time perspective. The insights provided by this study offer valuable guidance for students, educators, and counselors in addressing procrastination through targeted interventions.
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