Psychometric Performance of Prosocial Tendencies Measures for Adolescents
The Prosocial Tendencies Measure Revised (PTM-R) developed by Carlo and Randall (2002) is a popular measurement tool used to measure participants' prosocial tendencies on six types of prosocial tendencies. This study was designed to test the validity of prosocial behavior in adolescents. The study participants were 495. Researchers used confirmatory factor analysis to test the constructs of the Indonesian version of the PTM-R. The Indonesian translation of the PMT-R showed good structure. The results showed a relatively good model fit on the six proposed factors of 'Public' 'anonymous' dire 'emotional' compliant' and altruism (RMSEA = 0.080, CFI = 0.0.863, TLI = 0.842, and SRMR = 0.062). Cronbach's alpha coefficient (0.92) as well as item reliability (1.00) and person reliability (0.90) from the Rasch model also indicated that the items were reliable. These findings provide strong evidence for the validity of the PTM-R as a reliable and effective tool to assess prosocial tendencies in adolescents.
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