Effectiveness of Premarital Interpersonal Choices and Knowledge Program on Hesitation and Hesitancy in Decision Making and Attitudes toward Marriage
Effectiveness of premarital knowledge program on decision-making and marriage attitudes
Background: Youth marriage has become one of the main challenges in Iranian society; young people avoid marriage for various reasons, and the phenomenon of delay in the age of marriage has become an issue. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effectiveness of the Premarital Interpersonal Choices and Knowledge (PICK) program on hesitation in decision-making and attitudes toward marriage.
Methods: This was a quasi-experimental study with a pre-test and post-test design with a control group. The statistical population of this study was all medical students of the Islamic Azad University, Sari Branch, Sari, Iran, in 2019. Among them, 36 single students were selected using the purposive sampling method. They were divided into two experimental (n = 18) and control (n = 18) groups. Participants completed the demographic information questionnaire, Elaydi decision doubt scale, and the Kinnaird and Gerrard Attitude towards Marriage Scale. The experimental group participated in 9 PICK sessions for 90 minutes twice a week. Data were analyzed using multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) by SPSS software.
Results: The PICK program was effective on hesitation in decision-making (P < 0.01) and attitudes toward marriage (P < 0.01).
Conclusion: Considering the positive effect of the PICK program on reducing hesitation and hesitancy in decision-making and improving attitude toward marriage, it is recommended that this program be used in pre-marriage education and counseling.
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