Investigating the Effectiveness of Process-Based Therapy in Anxiety in Women Suffering from Iron Deficiency Anemia: A Single-Subject Study
Objective: Due to menstruation, pregnancy, and poor iron intake and absorption, women are prone to iron deficiency anemia. The objective of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of process-based therapy in anxiety in women suffering from iron deficiency anemia and generalized anxiety disorder.
Methods and Materials: This study followed a single-subject experimental design. Six female participants suffering from iron deficiency anemia were selected through a purposive sampling method; they received process-based therapy during nine 60-minute sessions. In the pretest phase, the participants filled out the Generalized Anxiety Disorder questionnaire (Newman, Zueling, Kachin & Constantino, 2002; fourth edition) and were interviewed. They also filled out Beck's (1988) Anxiety inventory in the baseline and follow-up phases. The data were analyzed through visual analysis, stability index, and recovery percentage formula.
Findings: The results showed that the total percentages of anxiety reduction were 56.21% and 75.5% in the intervention and follow-up phases, respectively. They indicated the success of the therapy.
Conclusion: Process-based therapy reduced anxiety in women suffering from anemia with generalized anxiety disorder. Psychologists and researchers can apply the results of the present study.
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