One measuring tool to find out how victims of violence cope is the brief cope scale. The brief cope scale is more straightforward than other scales that measure coping strategies. This measuring instrument is widely used and adopted, but in Indonesia, no one has described how to adopt this measuring instrument in detail. This research explains the steps for adapting the brief cope measuring instrument. This research method refers to the eight stages of the adaptation process carried out per the International Test Commission (ITC) Guidelines for Test Adaptation. The subjects of this research were 200 survivors of family violence using a purposive sampling technique. The final stage is confirmatory factor analysis. The results of the adaptation process found that the three dimensions of brief coping, namely problem-focused coping, emotional-focused coping, and avoidance, were all fulfilled. These three dimensions consist of 14 indicators, but in the adaptation process, two indicators were removed because they did not meet the requirements for construct validity. The initial number of items was 28, but after analysis, 10 items were dropped, so the items deemed suitable for use became 18 items.
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