A grounded theory exploration of environmental, societal, and contextual factors affecting adolescent identity development in dysfunctional families: A school counselor perspective
Adolescent identity development in dysfunctional families
Objective: The identity formation of adolescents in dysfunctional families affects their psychological and social conditions, influencing their future lives. Using a qualitative grounded theory approach, the present study aimed to explore the environmental, societal, and contextual factors affecting adolescent identity development in dysfunctional families.
Methods and Materials: The research population consisted of all school counselors in Tehran. A total of 10 school counselors were selected using purposive sampling in 2024 in Tehran. Data were collected using semi-structured, in-depth interviews.
Findings: Analysis of the interview content yielded 5 selective codes including key challenges faced by dysfunctional families, contextual conditions, intervening factors, strategies, and consequences), 12 axial codes, and 36 open codes.
Conclusion: The challenges faced by dysfunctional families can influence adolescents’ identity development processes in cognitive, emotional, and behavioral dimensions, potentially leading to multiple issues. Thus, recognizing these challenges and providing effective intervention strategies for school counselors and families is crucial.
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